[PR] New! Fukushima GAP Stickers for LINE

Posted date : 2021/02/26
A set of 24 LINE stickers featuring the Fukushima GAP Challengers has been released with the aim of creating more opportunities for people to learn about Fukushima GAP Challenge’s efforts.

The stickers were designed for use not only by people involved in agriculture, but by people from all walks of life communicating about all kinds of subjects. Designs range from GAP certification-themed stamps such as “Safety First!” and “Must Check!” to COVID-themed stamps such as “Hand-Washing” and “Gargling.”

The Fukushima GAP LINE stamps can be found and purchased by searching the LINE store or clicking the link below : https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/14513622

Title: GAP Challengers
Link: https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/14513622
Price: ¥120 or 50 LINE coins

Terms and Conditions of Use
See the link below :https://gap-fukushima.jp/pdf/line_policy.pdf
[PR] New! Fukushima GAP Stickers for LINE